eLibraryUSA e виртуална библиотека
на Международния информационен отдел на Държавния департамент на САЩ
с висококачествени информационни ресурси и пълнотекстови бази данни,
които могат да бъдат използвани на територията на Регионална библиотека „Пейо К. Яворов“ гр. Бургас.
Достъпните чрез eLibraryUSA бази данни са:
News and Magazines
Read popular newspapers from around the world and U.S. magazines in an easy-to-read and browse format.
Access the latest issue of popular magazines in the U.S. including National Geographic, Entrepreneur, Wired, Fast Company and Popular Science.
Academic and Research Resources
Academic Search Premier
EBSCO’s full-text research database has access to over 6,000 peer-reviewed journals across the open access and academic publishing industries.
A searchable database with journal articles focusing on the social sciences, economics, and history.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Contains 1.5 million dissertations and theses written by graduate students from over 700 universities.
English Language Learning
BookFlix is a beginners reading website that combines animated fictional stories with related nonfiction books.
Streaming Video Resources
Stream from a curated selection of documentaries exploring the most inspirational and interesting contemporary topics in the United States.